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Hey Allen

Nonsense. Evolution was an idea in the air for quite some time before Darwin supposedly gave it a scientific footing, and it was in the air specifically AS a contradiction to religion, as part of the whole anti-God Enlightenment package. God was under attack in many ways and alternatives to God were very popular; evolution was one of them. Its whole raison d'etre was to contradict the Biblical God.

Also nonsense to claim that it is lack of education that explains adherence to the Biblical account. I was steeped in evolutionistic education myself, read Darwin, enjoyed Stephen Jay Gould and followed a lot of the thinking in various periodicals. Even then, while I was a total atheist (which I was until my mid-forties) I kept having the impression that the evidence for evolution had a tendency to go poof just as you thought you had it pinned down.

The fact is that evolution has no real scientific footing at all. All Darwin did was apply the principles of domestic selection to nature, where we can certainly see it in operation (really, without his help), but as everyone knows, domestic breeding always ends up with a depleted genetic variability, not an increase. That's how you get new "species" -- by eliminating genetic competition so that a specialized variety can be formed, a highly inbred and vulnerable new "species." That's the REAL end point of all evolutionary processes. Even if there were such a thing as useful mutations, they couldn't possibly keep pace with the genetic-reduction influence of selection.

Evolution is a big fat fantasy that is held together strictly by imagination and not a single true testable fact.


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